烏克蘭版的「X音素」(The X Factor)第3季9月一開始,中年男子雅科夫(Yakov Golovko)的特殊的低音就已征服觀眾,他選英文歌「What a wonderful world」,還沒唱完就已全場起立致敬,包括目瞪口呆的幾名評審。

這是美麗又偉大的歌,爵士樂之父、美國黑人音樂家路易.阿姆斯壯(Louis Armstrong)1968年的單曲,他的錄音版1999年被選入葛萊美獎名人堂。



I see trees are green, red roses, too 我看見樹的翠綠和玫瑰的紅艷

I see them bloom for me and you 她們為你我而綻放

And I think to myself 我心中想著

What a wonderful world 多麼美好的世界啊

I see skies of blue and clouds of white 我看到了藍天與白雲

The bright blessed day 明亮、幸福的一天

The dark says good night 夜晚向人們道晚安

And I think to myself 我心中想著

What a wonderful world 多麼美好的世界啊

The colors of the rainbow 彩虹的顏色

So pretty in the sky 在天空中多麼美麗

Are also on the faces of people going by 那些過往的行人臉上也是

I see friends shaking hands 我看到朋友互相握手

Saying "how do you do?" 說著"最近好嗎?"

They're really saying I love you 他們是真心地愛著彼此

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow 我聽著嬰兒哭泣,看著他們長大

They learn much more 他們學習著許多

Than I'll never know 我從不知道的事物

And I think to myself 我心中想著

What a wonderful world 多麼美好的世界啊