烏克蘭第 56 獨立摩步旅,利用地雷及無人機空投炸彈,阻止俄羅斯裝甲車和步兵縱隊前進,俄軍士兵遭受突擊四處竄逃,找尋掩護。
自俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭起,烏軍第 56 獨立摩步旅便部署在頓涅茨克武裝西部地區,按照現階段公布的城防部署地圖,第56獨立摩步旅負責的是馬里烏波爾主城區及西部戰線的防禦。
Exclusive one from Bakhmut which is now safe to share. A small Wagner assault group tried to enter the building in the right bottom corner, controlled by **. On their approach two got shot but one managed to escape. He later returns to evacuate his buddies but gets shot as well. pic.twitter.com/eoGWWNnjcS
— NOËL ** ** (@NOELreports) April 26, 2023
56th Separate Mechanised Infantry Brigade of Ukraine stops the advance of Russian column of armored vehicles and infantry. https://t.co/yxjpsoNfIz pic.twitter.com/PPcnvGkrSq
— Special Kherson Cat *** (@bayraktar_1love) April 25, 2023