烏克蘭武裝參謀總部今(4)日表示,俄羅斯1架SU-35戰機在烏克蘭哈爾科夫周邊遭防空系統擊落,1名飛行員遭擄獲,這是俄羅斯在對烏克蘭戰爭中首次折損SU-35,且這台僅次於 SU-57 的戰機單價高達5000萬美元(約新台幣 14 億 3000 萬元)。
俄羅斯開戰至今,都沒辦法掌握烏克蘭的制空權,陸續有許多戰機遭到擊落,今日更是傳出一架 SU-35 遭到烏克蘭防空系統擊中墜毀,另有消息指稱飛行員彈射成功,但落地之後遭到烏軍擄獲,網路上更傳出飛行員遭到綑綁後跪在地上的照片。
One of the pilots of the downed Russian Su-35 combat aircraft in the Izyum Oblast was captured by the Ukrainian military earlier today.
— CaucasusWarReport (@Caucasuswar) April 3, 2022
So far, attempts by the Russians to evacuate the pilots by helicopters have failed. pic.twitter.com/aaKEYGAtGn
俄軍SU-35號稱比美軍F-15E、F16C更先進,是僅次於SU-57匿蹤戰機的機種,單價 5000 萬美元(約新台幣 14 億 3000 萬元),而美國軍事週刊《航空週刊》(Aviation Week)根據現場照片認為,此次被擊落的機種是SU-35的升級版SU-35S,可以掛載12枚飛彈,作戰半徑達到3400公里。
The Ukrainian Army has shot down a Russian Su-35 fighter jet over Izyum, near Kharkiv.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) April 3, 2022
Ukrainian authorities say they have shot down 2 planes and 1 helicopter over the past 24h.
Izyum is the next big battle.
Both UA and RU forces are heading there. pic.twitter.com/FNldgLXjz5
We can see Russian domination in the air. pic.twitter.com/onNogXuBik
— Kriegsforscher (@OSINTua) April 3, 2022