人在英國念書的台灣女孩林薇,日前在YouTube上傳名為「一封致予譚德塞博士的公開信」的影片,以流利的口條並全程以英文向譚德塞喊話,呼籲他不要忘記當時接任世衛秘事長時所立下的誓言「全球人民的健康當為第一位,而非政治。」並要求他為對台的不實指控道歉。今(21)天晚間,林薇以「一則來自台灣的訊息」再度為台灣發聲,她說台灣被WHO排除在外仍戰勝傳染病,並強調「台灣可以幫忙,我們也正在全力幫忙」,也會持續跟全世界站在一起,抵禦病毒 ,暖心向全世界喊話「台灣與你並肩」。

A Message to The World (From Taiwan) 一則來自台灣的訊息 #COVID19 全文如下














This is a message that I would like to share with the world. 
A message from Taiwan.

Hi there, this is Vivi from Taiwan. 
There’s something that I would like to share with you.

With more than 1.7 million confirmed cases and 100 thousand deaths around the world, the COVID19 pandemic outbreak has become the most challenging global health crisis of our time. This is an unprecedented time that has affected the lives of everyone in our global community, regardless of race, gender, culture, or skin colour.

At this defining moment in history, cooperation will bring upon the relief and clarity needed to triumph over a common threat facing humankind. In this fight, I, as a citizen of this global community, believe health is a fundamental human right that is inherent to all human beings. ‘Health For All, Leave No One Behind’ is a guiding principle of all health professionals, as well as a message that has resonated with us Taiwanese people through the toughest of times. In 2003, the SARS outbreak devastated my home country. Left isolated and marginalised by the WHO in the fight against SARS, we learned, through fearful uncertainty, how to tenaciously combat pandemics. But most importantly, the people of Taiwan experienced firsthand what it felt like to be left behind. Taiwan, despite just being miles off the coast of China, has effectively managed the spread of coronavirus in our country. And it is the belief that we should ‘leave no one behind’ that motivates us to play our role in the global community.

Taiwan can help, and Taiwan is helping.

In the past few weeks, the Taiwanese government has donated more than 10 million surgical masks to the United States, Europe, Southeast Asia, India, Central America and South America. Other medical supplies are also finding their way to all continents around the globe. Since the very first days of the outbreak, the Taiwanese government has devoted itself to fighting this pandemic. Through information transparency, quick response, early deployment and the effective use of big data, the functions of our society continue without interruption. To share our knowledge on COVID-19 with the world, we created virtual forums, participated by numerous countries, of our successful and internationally recognised public health policies. Our government and research centres have also teamed up with the Czech Republic, European Union and the United States in sharing tactics and technology and collaborating on the development of vaccines and rapid test kits. Finally, we have worked with different governments in analysing the economic, social and psychological impact of the epidemic and related isolation measures.

Taiwan cares, and Taiwan helps.

This virus can tear up the world, but it will not shake the foundations of humanity’s values. For a worldwide pandemic that does not discriminate based on borders and nationalities, it is crucial that we, in times of a crisis like this, stay stronger together.

Taiwan never forgets her friends from around the world. 
We are part of this global team and we are in solidarity with the rest of the world. 
Taiwan stands with you.