美美的夜景大家都看過,但若是在飛機上看的,想必一定和在平地上有著很大的不同,近日就有一位國外的網友在網路上 PO 出了一系列完美的「空中夜景照片」,這讓網友們看完了紛紛驚訝直呼,「那個是木星欸」,引起熱議。

▲在銀河隆起區域下方的明亮光源則是木星,這顆行星處於機翼尖端的綠色燈塔旁邊。(圖/翻攝自 ericwagnerphoto IG )

這位國外的攝影師 Eric Wagner 於去年 9 月搭飛機從新加坡前往澳洲時,他在飛機上幸運的看到「銀河和流星」,超唯美壯觀的畫面讓他不禁拿出了三腳架和相機拍攝, Eric 表示,這是他第一次從南半球的飛機上拍到的銀河照片,「我曾拍到過不少精彩的照片,但這次我讓每張照片曝光 10 秒,然後疊加成為一張照片,希望照片也能把那種震撼的感覺展現出來,這並不容易,因為拍攝的過程中會有一些顛簸,但總體來說,我非常享受攝影的樂趣」。

而 Eric 拍攝到的火流星尾跡反射到飛機的機翼上,也將樣貌投射到了飛機窗戶,與原始的流星軌跡相平行。而在銀河隆起區域下方的明亮光源則是木星,這顆行星處於機翼尖端的綠色燈塔旁邊。而網友們看到後紛紛表示「他真的太幸運啦」、「這要趕快許願欸」、「真的好美」、「我從未在飛機上看過」、「這和一般在平地看的完全不一樣」、「近距離接觸,完全沒有後製的樣子超美」。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Mid-Air Milky Way Magic Whenever I'm flying I do my best to get a seat facing the Milky Way. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I recently flew and the entire time we chased sunset and it was never dark enough to capture the Milky Way. Last night however, I was flying from Singapore to Australia. I set up my tripod and started shooting. It is the first time I was able to capture a shot of the Milky Way from a plane in the Southern Hemisphere. I had already gotten some decent shots to work with so I started shooting a series of 10 second exposures to work into a stacked photo. I was treated to a magnificent sight though as I shot. I'll let the photo speak for itself. The stars could have been a little sharper as there was slightly bouncing during the shot but overall I just love the shot. Canon 5D4 Sigma 14mm f1.8 ISO6400 10 second single image

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