
負責操刀廣告的設計師聶永真表示,在不到一天的集資期間內,集資專案獲得 26,980 人的贊助支持,充分顯示台灣人對於公眾事務的參與熱情。廣告文案先後經過關注者們的投票選擇版本與提供建議後,再加入深諳國際關係、外交事務的專業人士所提供的修改意見,定稿後接著是多達五個版本的視覺討論與紐時閱報者的識讀力定位,最後,已於美國時間4月14日刊登全版廣告,平面紙本與線上同步露出。

廣告開頭明確表示,「WHO can help? Taiwan」(誰能夠幫忙?台灣),其中WHO三字使用世衛官方字形,主標問句選用世衛標準色藍,將其隱喻提供閱聽人「解鎖」。





WHO can help?

In a time of isolation, we choose solidarity

You are not alone. Taiwan is with you.

We know what you are going through. We know how hard it is.

Taiwan, having been devastated by the SARS epidemic in 2003, knows.
Taiwan, having been isolated from the World Health Organization, knows.

That is why we are contributing to international efforts by sharing how we contained the outbreak, kept our schools and businesses open, and ensured masks for all.

In the past weeks, Taiwan has provided more than 16 million medical masks to support medical workers around the world and have worked together with the US and the EU on the most advanced rapid tests and vaccines for COVID-19.

Who can isolate Taiwan? No one.

Because we are here to help.


26,980 contributors participated in the crowdfunding campaign to bring you this message.
Their donations will be used to fight COVID-19 internationally alongside our global partners.

聶永真說,剩餘款項約 1,500 萬的 45.82%,將用於數位廣告宣傳「Taiwan can help」;31.97% 將捐助國內醫療器材或資源;22.20% 將捐助國外醫療器材或資源,合計將有過半的款項直接捐助並協助國內外的防疫行動。
