







藏人兄弟姐妹們,西藏境內的藏人前赴後繼地以自焚進行抗爭,我對這些為西藏自由勇於獻身的鮮活生命由衷地敬佩和惋惜, 但是我還是真誠地希望藏人兄弟姐妹珍惜生命。我們共同面對的不是一個理性的政府,而是一個缺乏人性的專制獨裁政府。今天我們在這裡集會,紀念世界人權日, 只能表達我們自己內心的良知和願望,對勸諭中共政府改弦更張不會起作用,因為這不是中共獨裁政府所能聽得懂聽得進的語言。















10 December 2012


Tibetan brothers and sisters, my fellow Chinese democrats,


Today is the International Human Rights Day. I am invited by the organizers of the event to make a speech at this very special place, the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney. I cannot tell exactly what my feeling is, joyful or sad.

Human Rights Day is celebrated or commemorated annually across the world on 10 December.

The date was chosen to honor the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the first global enunciation of human rights and one of the first major achievements of the new United Nations.

We have been witnessing the general improvement of human rights situation across the world, however, the poor and even deteriorating human rights situation in Tibet and China remains unchanged. We’ve got to be clear that a poor or good human rights condition depends on the political system, where a democratically elected government could follow the internationally accepted human rights norm while a dictatorship like China fails to do so. The Chinese communist regime could do whatever they want to do to violate human rights.

Tibetan brothers and sisters, self-immolators sacrificed their lives one after another for Free Tibet. I pay tribute to them. But I sincerely hope Tibetan brothers and sisters take treasure of lives. What we are facing is not a rational government, but a monstrous dictatorship. We are assembling here today to display our conscience and good hope in commemoration of the International Human Rights Day, which in fact should not impact the Chinese communist regime to alter its governance as it is not the language they wish to listen and understand.

The human rights situation in Tibet, in China was awful, is awful and will remain awful. This is a daily routine and common practice. The reason is simple, the unchecked power of the regime. There is only one way to achieve human rights in China and eventual free of Tibet, getting rid of the CCP’s one party dictatorship rule.   

The same day twenty years ago, the former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating delivered the Redfern Speech, one of the greatest Australian speeches. He was the first Australian prime minister to publicly acknowledge to Indigenous Australians that European settlers were responsible for the difficulties Australian Aboriginal communities. Keating admitted: "We committed the murders. We took the children from their mothers. We practiced discrimination and exclusion. It was our ignorance and our prejudice." Four years ago, I witnessed in person in Canberra that then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made the formal apologies to the Australian indigenous people. Would the Chinese communist government do the same to commit its wrong doings, such as the high-handed policies in Tibet and the mass killing in Tiananmen Square in 1989? No, I don’t think so. No Chinese leaders are so gutful to do so. Moreover, both the conscience and morality of the international communities and the domestic resistance have not yet increased high enough to push the Chinese government to yield.    

The Chinese democratic movement and movement of free Tibet should jointly work hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder and side by side under the guidance of H.H. the Dalai Lama’s wisdom and forbearance for our common goal of bright future. About three weeks away, an International Sino-Tibetan Dialogue Conference will be held in Sydney, we will try to work out a roadmap for the meaningful human rights improvement and eventual free Tibet. That should effectively mark the celebration of the international Human Rights Day.

Thank you.

