《華爾街日報》爆出馬斯克和好友Google共同創辦人布林的妻子沙娜漢發生婚外情,馬斯克在推特上回應了,「這根本就是完全鬼扯,謝爾蓋(Sergey Brin)跟我還是朋友,昨晚還一起參加派對。」
今年年初傳出全球第七富豪布林與妻子協議離婚的消息,如今有報導指出是布林得知馬斯克與自己老婆沙娜漢(Nicole Shanahan)發生婚外情後,才憤而提出離婚申請。對此,馬斯克在推特上表示否認,回應「報導完全是在胡說八道,謝爾蓋(布林)跟我是朋友,昨晚還一起參加派對!我在3年內只見過妮可(沙娜漢)2次,旁邊都有別人,沒有任何情愫發生。」
This is total bs. Sergey and I are friends and were at a party together last night!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 25, 2022
I’ve only seen Nicole twice in three years, both times with many other people around. Nothing romantic.
Call them out on it, I guess. WSJ is supposed to have a high standard for journalism and, right now, they are way sub tabloid.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 25, 2022
WSJ should be running stories that actually matter to their readers and have solid factual basis, not third-party random hearsay.
Yeah, the character assassination attacks have reached a new level this year, but the articles are all nothing-burgers.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 25, 2022
I work crazy hours, so there just isn’t much time for shenanigans.
None of the key people involved in these alleged wrongdoings were even interviewed!