陳旭今早貼文中說道:「台灣在新冠疫情上的貢獻不過是政治伎倆,不能證明其在國際組織中的代表權是正當的。」而吳釗燮隨後也轉貼該文並回應:「每次面對台灣議題時中國就一直在說謊,若哪天中國宣稱台灣人民對烏克蘭的捐款算是中國的,我也不會感到意外了,有夠可悲!(So pathetic);中國政府從未對台灣有任何管轄權,而我們的未來也不會被中國共產黨所決定」
#Beijing lies just about everything when it comes to #Taiwan. I won't be surprised if it says someday that our people's donations to help #Ukraine refugees are #China's. So pathetic! JW https://t.co/GShYcuA1Bb
— 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC (Taiwan) ** (@MOFA_Taiwan) March 26, 2022
Lying all the time! You might as well claim the moon. The TRUTH is the #PRC has no jurisdiction over #Taiwan. Our future won't be dictated by the communists in #Beijing. BTW, we #StandWithUkraine** & you lie down with #Russia. JW https://t.co/dkmiLUeXo4
— 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC (Taiwan) ** (@MOFA_Taiwan) March 26, 2022

中國駐日內瓦代表團大使陳旭。 圖:翻攝中國常駐聯合國日內瓦辦事處