歐洲聯盟(EU)外交和安全政策高級代表波瑞爾(Josep Borrell)今天表示,應基輔方面要求,歐盟會員國將提供「戰機」給烏克蘭,以對抗俄羅斯的陸空夾擊。
波瑞爾表示,烏克蘭外長庫列巴(Dmytro Kuleba)告訴歐盟:「他們需要烏克蘭軍方能夠操縱的戰機…若干會員國有這樣的機種。」
Also had a phone conversation with @vonderleyen. Talked about concrete decisions on strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities, macro-financial assistance and Ukraine's membership in the #EU.
— Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) February 27, 2022
Just spoke to President @ZelenskyyUa who leads the determined resistance to the Russian invasion.
— Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) February 27, 2022
I explained to him the strong and immediate measures we are taking to support Ukraine’s defense, its economy & the refugees, as well as the new sanctions against Russia and Belarus. pic.twitter.com/5OEY0Ay7H7