由於COIVD-19變種病毒肆虐,《英雄聯盟》歐洲LEC 2022春季賽甫開季又得暫時回歸過往的線上賽模式,而這也並非杞人憂天,事實上在開打前就陸續傳出數支隊伍成員確診或是檢測呈陽性反應,其中一支隊伍就是G2 Esports。
G2戰隊經理Romain Bigeard稍早才在推特透露,隊伍當中共有四名選手與兩名教練在過去72小時檢驗陽性,他還自嘲「訓練室很快就變成了所有人隔離的『醫院經理』遊戲」,但儘管情況複雜,大家還是在本周三戰取得兩勝成績,他也為這支隊伍感到驕傲,更表示「我們終於可以睡覺並為第二周比賽做準備了」。
4/5 players 2/2 coach tested positive in the last 72h,
— Romain Bigeard (@RomainBigeard) January 16, 2022
the gaming house quickly turned into a game of "Hospital Manager" with all the isolated people.
Despite the complicated setup, the boys went 2-1 and I'm really proud of them!
Finally we can sleep and get ready for week 2. https://t.co/CIVY59QxWr
不管如此,G2 Esports官方推特同樣在稍早寫下:「本周早些時候,我們LEC隊伍名單大部分的成員和工作人員都檢測呈現陽性反應。我們決定像往常一樣進行比賽,只是盡可能地不啟用選手攝影鏡頭和對勝家進行採訪。希望能在下週末的比賽中恢復到百分百狀態。」
Earlier this week the vast majority of our LEC roster staff tested positive for COVID-19.
— G2 Esports (@G2esports) January 16, 2022
We decided to play as normal, just without player cams and winners interviews where possible.
We hope to be back to 100% come next weekend's games. ❤️
LEC常勝軍G2在本周三連戰分別對上Excel Esports、Astralis和MAD Lions戰隊,他們在贏下前兩戰後負於歐洲獅子,目前以兩勝一負暫列聯賽第三名。G2今年陣容進行大改組,上路Broken Blade、打野Jankos、中路caPs、ADC Flakked、輔助Mikyx。