日前有國外玩家遊玩《最後生還者二部曲》(The Last of Us: Part II)標誌性的「湯米追逐戰」關卡,發現能夠讓艾比趕上湯米並予以擊殺的BUG,這個影片出來後僅一週的時間,意外釣出遊戲設計師Asher Einhorn現身說法,他在個人推特發送一連串的推特與遊戲設計原型影片,分享當初這個關卡是如何被製作出來。
This article came out the other day showing a bug where you could catch up to Tommy in #TheLastofUsPart2. I thought it would be fun to use this as a springboard to talk about why that can happen and how the sequence is made in general! thread https://t.co/5Vz978ly2O via @kotaku
— Asher Einhorn (@AsherEinhorn) July 13, 2021
《最後生還者二部曲》遊戲設計師Asher Einhorn前日也在個人推特分享這個影片連結,目的不是為了批評該玩家發現BUG,而是分享「湯米追逐戰」起初設計的由來。
Running away they would seek a high perch and their friends would try to route you out to give them a better shot. It felt fun! pic.twitter.com/DxZq4hHLXy
— Asher Einhorn (@AsherEinhorn) July 13, 2021
而後這個系統原型也受到現任Naughty Dog聯合總裁Neil Druckmann的喜愛,採用成為如今的狙擊BOSS戰,但由於劇情設定上不會讓湯米死掉,所以這個關卡在設計時設計得十分之難,讓玩家不可能贏,也不可能射到湯米。
Asher Einhorn也說,由於在開放式場景很難顧及所有的問題,所以最後決定作成一個相對線性路線的關卡。而為確保遊戲公平性,玩家在抵達有利位置前,湯米幾乎都是獲得有利狙擊視野的一方,只要玩家嘗試瞄準湯米,就會受到懲罰。
This was a cool beat also with a lot of custom stuff. Tommy shoots objects near to the player and that lures the infected to you. He's also scripted to be very inaccurate when you're out in the open fighting the infected and not trying to shoot him. pic.twitter.com/WHWy6PDn4f
— Asher Einhorn (@AsherEinhorn) July 13, 2021
Tommy also has this custom shoot controller when he's in cover that allowed us to define the rhythm of his back and forth fire with Manny. Something's broken with the shooting in this build but you can just about see the debug for this controller at the top of the screen. pic.twitter.com/M2mp2CjWf7
— Asher Einhorn (@AsherEinhorn) July 13, 2021

國外玩家發現能夠讓艾比趕上湯米並予以擊殺的BUG,意外釣出遊戲設計師Asher Einhorn現身說法。 圖:翻攝自Speclizer YouTube