美國國務院發言人普萊斯(Ned Price)今天推文表示,有報導指緬甸安全部隊朝抗議人士開火,並持續拘留和騷擾示威者及其他人,美國對此「深表關切」。
We are deeply concerned by reports that Burmese security forces have fired on protestors and continue to detain and harass demonstrators and others in Burma. We stand with the people of Burma.
— Ned Price (@StateDeptSpox) February 20, 2021
聯合國祕書長古特瑞斯(Antonio Guterres)同樣譴責緬甸當局「使用致命武力」。
I condemn the use of deadly violence in Myanmar.
— António Guterres (@antonioguterres) February 21, 2021
The use of lethal force, intimidation & harassment against peaceful demonstrators is unacceptable.
Everyone has a right to peaceful assembly. I call on all parties to respect election results and return to civilian rule.