美國「佛洛伊德之死」抗議持續,當地時間22日,示威者聚集在白宮附近的拉法耶特廣場,試圖拉倒美國前總統安德魯・傑克森(Andrew Jackson)的雕像。不僅如此,他們還在白宮附近建立路障,成立了一個「黑宮自治區(Black House)」。
據《今日俄羅斯》(RT)報導,美國種族歧視抗議潮持續延燒,前日下午開始,示威者逐漸聚集在拉法耶特廣場(Lafayette Square),在距離白宮不到2公里處,拉起鐵絲網設立路障封鎖街道,試圖效仿西雅圖的「國會山自治區」,甚至有人在廣場內的聖約翰大教堂門柱噴上「黑宮自治區」(Black House Autonomous Zone)。
Simmering tensions as #DC #MetroPolice hold the line against #BHAZ protestors just north of Lafayette Park.
— Kevin Corke (@kevincorke) June 23, 2020
The group has spray painted BHAZ on historic #stjohnschurch #DC #autonomouszone #BlackHouseAutonomousZone pic.twitter.com/Y1RcKn2vyt
報導還稱,還有一群示威者試圖拉倒一座紀念美國第7任總統安德魯・傑克森(Andrew Jackson)的雕像。可以看到,示威者在雕像上綁上了繩子,試圖拉倒雕像,當地警方隨即增派警力支援。報導稱,警方似乎使用了胡椒噴霧來驅散人群。對此,美國總統川普則推文警告,「做出不光彩的事而被逮捕的那些人,你們會面臨10年的刑處!」
#dcprotestors preparing to take down the andrew jackson statue in front of the #whitehouse at #bhaz #blackhouseautonomouszone #dcprotests #wadcprotests pic.twitter.com/qORwahqKhH
— holly (@hollySeaDC) June 22, 2020
#BREAKING: Protesters have opened the fence surrounding the Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Square and have climbed on top.
— Jess Arnold (@JessArnoldTV) June 22, 2020
I’ve heard them say they’re trying to tear it down. @wusa9 #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/i8cBlM171b
Numerous people arrested in D.C. for the disgraceful vandalism, in Lafayette Park, of the magnificent Statue of Andrew Jackson, in addition to the exterior defacing of St. John’s Church across the street. 10 years in prison under the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act. Beware!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 23, 2020
Clashes with Police in front of Andrew Jackson statue pic.twitter.com/VwZqdORdex
— Richie*McG* (@RichieMcGinniss) June 23, 2020

示威者在白宮附近成立了「黑宮自治區(Black House)」。 圖:翻攝自推特