義大利總理梅洛尼近期無比憤怒,因為她發現德國向非政府組織《SOS Mediterranee》捐贈 80 萬歐元(約 2,722 萬台幣)後,而該組織竟營運兩艘將移民從非洲運送到義大利的船隻。
X(前推特)帳號 Visegrád 24 今(27)日發文表示,梅洛尼寫了一封信給德國總理蕭茲,要求他給出解釋。
Another two "ghost landings" have been recorded in Spain.Ghost landing is the name for an arrival of boat migrants that isn't intercepted by the coast guard, meaning that the migrants are new registered as they enter the country. Europe's maritime borders are undefended pic.twitter.com/P3yAmXPmQN
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) September 26, 2023