烏克蘭東部頓內茨克地區的城市馬克耶夫卡(Makiivka)仍被俄軍佔領,烏克蘭軍隊在去年 12 月 31 日對該市一所被俄軍佔領的學校發動襲擊,據傳俄軍傷亡約 700 人。
據俄羅斯《塔斯社》(TASS)引述頓內茨克的親俄官員別索諾夫(Danil Bezsonov)說,馬凱耶夫卡的一所職業學校遭到攻擊,據悉該學校目前作為軍事人員的住處。跨年夜當晚,烏軍至少朝馬凱耶夫卡地區發射 25 枚火箭砲。
據俄烏戰爭觀察家邁克爾•麥凱 (Michael MacKay) 在推特發布的消息,跨年夜當晚,烏軍襲擊了一處俄軍聚集的學校,約有 400 名俄國武裝份子被擊斃,另有約 300 受傷。
推特帳號 @NOELreports 表示,當地的親俄民眾痛斥俄國扶持的傀儡「政府」對此事毫不關心。
Ukrainian defenders struck a troop concentration of the Russian fascist invaders in Makiyivka, in temporarily-occupied Donetsk region, on 31 December 2022. The rashists were packed into a school.
— Michael MacKay (@mhmck) January 1, 2023
About 400 enemy militants are said to have been killed with about 300 more wounded. pic.twitter.com/4PXpWZepg0
In Makiivka, the AFU allegedly hit a Russian base that was located in the former School 19 building, killing/wounding a lot of Russian soldiers. Locals are questioning why nobody is talking about it and are angry that their 'government' is trying to act like everything is fine. pic.twitter.com/Usk6ZodKei
— NOËL ** ** (@NOELreports) January 1, 2023
被俄軍佔領的烏克蘭東部頓內茨克地區的城市馬克耶夫卡(Makiivka)跨年夜被烏軍襲擊。 圖:翻攝自推特Michael MacKay (@mhmck)
被俄軍佔領的烏克蘭東部頓內茨克地區的城市馬克耶夫卡(Makiivka)第19職業學校在跨年夜被烏軍襲擊。 圖:翻攝自推特Michael MacKay (@mhmck)