LSE在當地時間15日公開發出約150字新聞稿,祝賀倫敦大學法學系學生蔡英文博士再次當選台灣總統。其中2段提到,「蔡於2016年首次當選總統,還曾擔任台灣副總統和民進黨主席」,以及「俞國華(Yu Kuo-hua)是1947年至1949年之間的LSE學生,並在1984年至1989年擔任台灣總統」。
彭文正昨晚將這篇文章轉貼到自己的臉書頁面,並形容這是「錯誤百出、張冠李戴的新聞報導」。另外他還指出,「『a former LSE PhD student.』表示蔡沒有LSE Law 的PhD degree,否則英文不會這麼寫法」。
對此網友回應,「LSE新聞,不是賀電」、「最後一段直呼Tsai Ing-wen,而且拿她來和LSE待了三年沒畢業的俞國華來對比,蔡英文和俞國華有什麼關係啊?」、「第二點的俞國華...英國記者搞不清楚他的官位也不是不可能,而且他不是這篇文章的重點」、「他應該是把premier打成president」、「沒用的,裁判跟球會都是他的人」、「沒辦法的,沒辦法查明真相,難」。
Former LSE PhD Law student Dr Tsai Ing-wen was re-elected for a second term as the president of Taiwan on 11 January 2020. Dr Tsai, who will serve for a further four years as president, received a record 8.2 million votes, representing 57 per cent of the votes, with her closest contender receiving 39 per cent. The fiercely contested election also saw a notably high 75 per cent turnout from Taiwanese voters.
In a speech following her victory Dr Tsai said, “Taiwan is showing the world how much we cherish our free democratic way of life and how much we cherish our nation."
Dr Tsai was first elected president in 2016 and previously served as Taiwan's vice premier and as chair of the Democratic Progressive Party.
Tsai Ing-wen’s re-election maintains a pattern of LSE alumni in positions of leadership in Taiwan. Yu Kuo-hua, an LSE student between 1947 and 1949, was Taiwan’s premier from 1984 to 1989.

彭文正仍對蔡英文的學歷抱持懷疑的態度。 圖:翻攝自彭文正臉書