《英雄聯盟》S8世界大賽四強淘汰賽昨日展開,首戰由EU第三種子G2 Esports迎戰LPL第二種子Invictus Gaming,IG作為LPL最後希望快意地以直落三橫掃G2,挺進總決賽。儘管G2傳奇止步四強,但依舊段是值得回味的旅程,賽後G2及期下選手均於推特發文,官方推特更是寫下:「今年之初,人們懷疑我們是否能踏上世界賽;今年之末,我們成為了世界頂尖四強;我們已經迫不及待想在明年展開這段未竟之業。」
We started the year with people doubting if we would make Worlds.
— G2 Esports (@G2esports) 2018年10月27日
We finish the year as one of the top 4 teams in the World.
We can't wait until next year to finish what we started. #G2ARMY #Worlds2018 pic.twitter.com/vkVkmWe56s

That sucks
— Luka (@G2Perkz) 2018年10月27日
we just got out classed
and that’s it for our #Worlds2018
I’ll be back
They are really good even game 3 when we fixed our pick priorities we got smashed so that concludes our worlds run and I'm very proud for how far we've made it!
— Martin Hansen (@G2Wunder) 2018年10月27日
See you all next year *
Today our opponents were just better. I'm really happy with how far we went. We were the third seed and we did everything we could've done. I'm sorry if anyone is disappointed, and I would like to wish @FNATIC good luck. You can take it all for Europe and Western World
— Marcin Jankowski (@G2Jankos) 2018年10月27日
They were the better team today, thanks for supporting us through the entire way ❤️
— Petter Freyschuss (@G2Hjarnan) 2018年10月27日
Always losing moment is so sad.
— Kim "Wadid" Bae-In (@G2Wadid) 2018年10月27日
That's why we all want to keep winning.
But you cannot always win.
Today, they were better than us.
It was my first Worlds, learned a lot from world class teams.
Again, thank you so much for cheering us.
I will comeback stronger.#Worlds2018 pic.twitter.com/aMW59VffQP