烏克蘭頓內茨克州州長基里蘭科(Pavlo Kyrylenko)今天(10日)表示,頓內茨克州重要城市斯拉夫揚斯克(Sloviansk)東南約30公里處一個名為查西夫雅爾(Chasiv Yar)的小鎮,9日晚間遭俄羅斯颶風(Uragan)火箭攻擊,造成至少6人死亡、5人受傷,瓦礫堆下有34人可能被困在瓦礫堆下。
Three rockets just hit a civilian building in Chasiv Yar. One of rockets was filmed by our guys and you can hear a voice of our Canadian legionary. Rescuers are clearing the debris. According to them, there are 34 people under the ruins, including a 9-year-old child. pic.twitter.com/fJwiAb2Hwd
— Volodymyr Demchenko (@brokenpixelua) July 10, 2022