
「國際自由婦女聯盟」(International Network of Liberal Women, INLW)亞太分會「亞太自由婦女協會」(Asia-Pacific Liberal Women Association, APLW)今天發表「聲援烏克蘭」聲明指出,俄羅斯總統普丁(Vladimir Putin)此舉不僅破壞區域及全球和平與穩定,也是對以規則為基礎的國際秩序,以及維護保障各國主權與領土完整的國際法體系,構成最為嚴峻的威脅及挑戰。

APLW表示,將繼續與理念相近的伙伴合作,協助恢復民主、和平與穩定;同時呼應「國際自由聯盟」(Liberal International, LI)的呼籲,即對於烏克蘭人民,「我們堅信你們並不孤單」。



Statement of Asia-Pacific Liberal Women in Support of Ukraine

The Asia-Pacific Chapter of the International Network of Liberal Women APLW
stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and strongly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

This attack has jeopardized regional and global security and stability. It also poses the most serious threat and challenge to liberal democracies across the Euro-Atlantic and their effort to strive for peace in recent years. President Putin’s action is a direct assault to the rules-based international order that respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all.

The APLW will continue to work with our like-minded partners to assist in the restoration of democracy, peace, and stability.

The APLW also echoes Liberal International’s call: to the people of Ukraine we insist you are not alone. As liberals in Asia, we reiterate our demand for a coordinated response of financial, military, and political assistance to Ukraine and remain gravely concerned about the safety of civilians throughout the country. We demand Russia’s unequivocal cessation of hostilities to avoid further devastating consequences for the continent on which Liberal International was founded, 75 years ago.