《Fall Guys:終極淘汰賽》上市後人氣火熱,昨(18)日《Fall Guys:終極淘汰賽》發起「品牌大戰」活動,舉行一場線上喊價拍賣,出價最高的品牌將可以讓《Fall Guys:終極淘汰賽》官方為品牌製作一套專屬遊戲套裝,所有收入都將捐贈至慈善機構。目前出價最高者是加拿大網紅Piques,他以32萬5千美元(約964萬元新台幣)的標注暫時領先中。
— Fall Guys * (@FallGuysGame) August 17, 2020
The thirst from brands has been unreal... so we're turning it into something positive!
Prize: Your brand inside Fall Guys as a costume!
* To enter:
Reply to this tweet with the highest amount of money you would be willing to donate to @SpecialEffect
《Fall Guys:終極淘汰賽》憑藉可愛風格與難度樂趣兼具的Party Game大逃殺結合魅力風靡全球,其中官方社群的活躍程度也是該遊戲成功的重要原因之一,昨日官方在推特發起「品牌大戰」活動,該活動將在兩週內開放任何品牌隨意喊價投標,最後官方將為出價最高的品牌在遊戲內製作一套專屬遊戲套裝,而該投標金額將全額捐贈給慈善單位Special Effect。
New Challenger!
— Fall Guys * (@FallGuysGame) August 18, 2020
$325k by @piques15 as the highest donation bid to @SpecialEffect
If you don't know what's happening, look here:https://t.co/JWm7rbsS83 https://t.co/MUWGIrxCs7
Shout out to all the community managers out there that are having really awkward meetings today with their higher-ups about why they should put their logo on a bean in a video game for $130k lol
— Fall Guys * (@FallGuysGame) August 18, 2020
結果該活動馬上爆紅,活動開始一天後,截至截稿前活動貼文已經吸引超過6,200條回應與轉推,以及4.6萬次喜歡。而投標金額也水漲船高,許多網紅的參戰更將這次投標推向新高,目前標金暫時最高得主是加拿大網紅Piques,他目前以32萬5千美元暫時領先中。《Fall Guys:終極淘汰賽》官方推特也打趣:「為所有今天得跟上司開尷尬會議,說明為何要花13萬美元在遊戲裡的一顆豆子身上放公司Logo的社群經理們加油lol」,目前活動才剛開始,未來可能會出現更瘋狂的標價。