劉曉波的朋友友Chan Ching Wa Jonathan也節錄自王丹的原文:「凌晨4點就醒了⋯⋯生怕聽到曉波的噩耗。⋯⋯中共當局折磨曉波,折磨劉霞,折磨他們的家屬,折磨他的朋友們,折磨全世界關心他的人。這份狠毒,已經超越納粹法西斯。歷史會記住他們的⋯⋯如果有一天中國有了光明,這些人,必須面對自己製造的黑暗。」
張威廉也在臉書貼文表示,劉曉波走了! 他终於自由了! 他已經成為89時代最重要的為民主和自由獻身的殉道者。劉曉波永恒!
諾貝爾委員會也在臉書貼文表示,感謝劉曉波為推進民主和人權所作的巨大努力和作出的巨大犧牲. 他確實是一個良心囚犯, 他為他不懈的鬥爭付出了最高的代價. 我們相信, 他的努力並不是徒勞的. 劉曉波是世界各地數以百萬計的人, 即使在中國, 也有共鳴的代表. 這些思想不能被監禁, 永遠不會死去。
Nobel prize fb,全文如下:
"The Chinese Government bears a heavy responsibility for his premature death."
Statement by Ms Berit Reiss-Andersen, Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee:
Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo passed away today, July 13, 2017. The Norwegian Nobel Committee has received the news of his death with regret and great sadness.
Liu Xiaobo received the Nobel Peace Prize for 2010 for his efforts to implement the fundamental human rights secured in international instruments as well as in the constitution of the People's Republic of China. He was a leading figure in the Chinese democracy movement for almost 30 years. The demonstrations in Tiananmen Square in 1989 took him from an academic life to activism. He was one of the major contributors to Charter 08, the manifesto that pointed out China's obligations to secure fundamental human rights for its citizens. In his famous poem "I have no Enemies", we see a clear expression of his pacific attitude.
By awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo the Norwegian Nobel Committee wanted to underscore the fundamental connection between developing democracy and creating and securing peace. Moreover, the Committee found that Liu Xiaobo had contributed to the fraternity of peoples through his non-violent resistance against the oppressive actions of the Communist regime in China.
Liu Xiaobo was not able to attend the Award Ceremony in Oslo in 2010. By then he had already been sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment, allegedly for attempting to undermine the current political order. In our view he had not committed any criminal act, but merely exercised his citizen's rights. His trial and imprisonment were unjust.
Liu Xiaobo's absence from the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony was marked by an empty chair. We now have to come to terms with the fact that his chair will forever remain empty. At the same time it is our deep conviction that Liu Xiaobo will remain a powerful symbol for all who fight for freedom, democracy and a better world. He belongs to a heritage of former Nobel laureates such as Carl von Ossietzky, Martin Luther King, Jr., Andrei Sakharov, Lech Walesa, Aung San Suu Kyi, Nelson Mandela and Shirin Ebadi, to mention a few.
At the end of June the news reached us that Liu Xiaobo had been released from prison. He had been transferred to hospital, but was still under guard and held in complete isolation. We find it deeply disturbing that Liu Xiaobo was not transferred to a facility where he could receive adequate medical treatment before he became terminally ill. The Chinese Government bears a heavy responsibility for his premature death.
The news of Liu Xiaobo's serious condition was met in part with silence and belated, hesitant reactions world wide. Eventually the governments of France, Germany, and the USA called for his unconditional release, as did the EU through its foreign policy spokesperson. It is a sad and disturbing fact that the representatives of the free world, who themselves hold democracy and human rights in high regard, are less willing to stand up for those rights for the benefit of others.
In the last days of his life, we had a hope that Liu Xiaobo would be released and safely evacuated for medical treatment abroad. This would have been in accordance with his own wishes and the recommendations of the German and American doctors who were allowed to visit him. While the whole world watched, China chose instead to maintain the isolation of its prisoner.
Today our hearts are filled with gratitude to Liu Xiaobo for his monumental efforts and great sacrifices to advance democracy and human rights. He was truly a prisoner of conscience and he paid the highest possible price for his relentless struggle. We feel confident that his efforts were not in vain. Liu Xiaobo was a representative of ideas that resonate with millions of people all over the world, even in China. These ideas cannot be imprisoned and will never die.
Photo: As a tribute to the absent Nobel Laureate, Liu Xiaobo's Nobel Medal and Diploma were placed on an empty chair during the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony in Oslo, Norway, 10 December 2010.
Photo: Ken Opprann.
挪威諾貝爾委員會主席貝麗特· reiss-安德森女士的發言
諾貝爾和平獎獲得者劉曉波今天在2017. 年七月13日去世, 挪威諾貝爾委員會收到了他的死亡訊息, 感到遺憾和悲傷.
劉曉波獲得了2010年諾貝爾和平獎, 他為落實國際文書和中華人民共和國[憲法]所保障的基本人權作出了努力. 他是中國民主運動近30年的領先人物. 1989年天安門廣場的示威活動使他從學術生活中獲得了積極的參與. 他是[憲章]的主要貢獻者之一, 該宣言指出了中國為其公民爭取基本人權的義務. 在他著名的詩中", 我沒有敵人", 我們看到他的太平洋態度.
挪威諾貝爾委員會將諾貝爾和平獎授予劉曉波, 希望強調發展民主與創造和保障和平之間的根本聯絡. 此外, 委員會發現, 劉曉波通過對中國共產黨政權鎮壓行動的非暴力抵抗, 促進了人民的博愛.
劉曉波未能出席2010. 年在奧斯陸舉行的頒獎儀式, 當時他已經被判處11年監禁, 據稱是企圖破壞目前的政治秩序. 我們認為, 他沒有實施任何犯罪行為, 但只是行使了他的公民權利. 他的審判和監禁是不公正的.
劉曉波在諾貝爾和平獎頒獎典禮上缺席的是一張空椅子. 我們現在必須接受這樣的事實, 即他的主席將永遠是空的. 與此同時, 我們深信, 劉曉波將仍然是所有為自由, 民主和更美好的世界而戰的強大象徵. 他屬於前諾貝爾獎獲得者, 如卡爾·馮· ossietzky, 馬丁·路德·金, 安德烈·薩哈羅夫, 萊赫·瓦文薩, 昂山素季, 納爾遜·曼德拉和希林· ebadi.
六月底, 訊息傳到我們, 劉曉波被從監獄釋放. 他被轉送到醫院, 但仍然受到看守, 完全隔離. 我們感到非常不安的是, 劉曉波沒有被轉移到一個設施, 在那裡他可以得到適當的醫療治療, 在他患有晚期病之前. 中國政府對過早死亡負有沈重的責任.
劉曉波的嚴重狀況的訊息, 部分是由於沈默和遲來的心情, 世界各地的猶豫不決. 最後, 法國, 德國和美國政府要求無條件釋放他, 歐盟也通過其外交政策發言人. 一個令人悲傷和令人不安的事實是, 自由世界的代表在高度尊重民主和人權的情況下, 不願意為他人的利益爭取這些權利.
在他生命的最後幾天里, 我們希望劉曉波將被釋放, 並安全地疏散到國外就醫. 這將符合他自己的願望和獲准訪問他的德國和美國醫生的建議. 雖然整個世界都在看, 但中國卻選擇保持其囚犯的孤立.
今天, 我們的心感謝劉曉波為推進民主和人權所作的巨大努力和作出的巨大犧牲. 他確實是一個良心囚犯, 他為他不懈的鬥爭付出了最高的代價. 我們相信, 他的努力並不是徒勞的. 劉曉波是世界各地數以百萬計的人, 即使在中國, 也有共鳴的代表. 這些思想不能被監禁, 永遠不會死去.

負責醫治劉曉波的醫院7月11日傍晚宣布劉曉波陷入休克。13日晚上,中國瀋陽司法局僅在網站公告,劉曉波病逝的消息,而原本每日3-4個通報劉曉波病情的瀋陽中國第一醫院,只有在7月12日上下午各一個病情通報,說明劉曉波病情,7月13日一整天沒有任何病情通告,已引發外界質疑劉曉波病危的臆測。 圖 : 翻攝自博訊博客網站

圖為劉曉波與妻子劉霞合照。劉曉波目前正於瀋陽的中國醫科大學附屬第一醫院接受治療,今7月10日即傳劉兄夫婦遭公安看守,醫院目前無法向其他親屬說明劉的病情。 圖:達志影像/路透社資料照片

中國瀋陽市司法局證實中國民運入士劉曉波肝癌病逝,享年61歲。消息傳出,好友們紛表不捨。他的好友廖亦武也在臉書也在晚間22:03貼文表示,我的至交,親愛的曉波,真的走了....空白...。 圖 : 翻攝自廖亦武臉書
作為向缺席的諾貝爾獎獲得者致敬,劉曉波的諾貝爾獎和文憑在2010年12月10日至20日在挪威奧斯陸舉行的諾貝爾和平獎頒獎儀式上被放在一張空椅子上. 照片: 肯· opprann. 圖:翻攝自nobel prize