









【Hong Kong in Twenty Years: The International City's Glooming Future】
On 1st July 1997, the UK transferred Hong Kong’s sovereignty to China, ending the city’s colonial era. Hong Kong people should have had the right to determine our own future, yet our right of self-determination was deprived in 1971, when Hong Kong was removed from the UN's list of colonies without actual consultations. In spite of the Sino-British Joint Declaration protecting Hong Kong’s rights for fifty year and the Basic Law guaranteeing the “One Country Two Systems” framework and a high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong for democratisation, Hong Kong people have never been involved in the negotiations concerning the city’s future.

'One Country Two Systems’ at Stake
20 years after the transfer of sovereignty, not only did Hong Kong not democratise itself according to the above documents, human rights are also gradually corrupted: the government has been manipulating election results and disqualified democratically elected lawmakers; publishers and businessmen were abducted by Chinese officials to Mainland China; political trials against leaders of the Umbrella Movement are to begin next month. As the biggest authoritarian regime in the world, China also interferes with internal affairs of Hong Kong such as education, degrading the high degree of autonomy. “One Country Two Systems” deteriorated into “One Country 1.5 Systems”.
Under Xi Jinping’s hard-line leadership, China will go to any lengths to suppress Hong Kong’s democratisation. In the past two years, the Malaysian government denied entry of Hong Kong activists at the request of the Chinese government, while the Thai government followed such requests and entrapped Joshua Wong in Bangkok for twelve hours. At home, we have witnessed British and Swedish citizens being abducted to the Mainland, undoubtedly sparking doubts regarding the safety of foreign citizens in Hong Kong.

Democracy - Our Destination, A Tenacious Fight
Although the Umbrella Movement was unable to advance Hong Kong’s political system, it inspired political participation of the younger generation and strengthened the sense of belonging to the city. The seeds of democracy was sown in the sterile political soil of Hong Kong in preparation for a civic movement of even larger scale than the Umbrella Movement.
Xi Jinping will come to Hong Kong for the first time as the country’s president on 1st July, we believe that it will provoke an important demonstration for the cause of universal suffrage. We implore the international community to express their support for Hong Kong’s democratisation and genuine autonomy on different platforms on this special occasion.

Appeal to the international community
It is essential for the international community to follow the discussions on Hong Kong’s future, since the guarantee of ‘One Country Two Systems’ made in Joint Declaration would expire in 2047. We cannot begin to fathom the state of Hong Kong’s autonomy in 30 years, as the Chinese’s promises retracted into simple but empty rhetorics. The most prominent questions include Hong Kong and China’s constitutional relationship and the waning civil rights.
As China’s economy soars, the global community starts to kowtow to this new rising power, and even sees the Chinese model as an alternative to democracy. However China’s so-called “peaceful rise” is based upon the authority’s violent suppression of its people. We appeal to the international community to continue monitoring the implementation of ‘One Country Two Systems’ and China’s human rights conditions, and not to succumb to economic benefits.
Democracy should not be taken for granted. We shall continue to pursue the virtues of democracy and genuine autonomy, standing up against authoritarianism, and uniting with civil societies - bearing in mind that we are not alone.

1 July 2017


義工於銅鑼灣街站派發單張時,警察前來阻止並驅趕,香港眾志對此再臉書發布貼文,呼籲國際社會絕不要為經濟上的利益,犧牲受苦受困的中港人民。   圖 : 截自香港眾志臉書

香港眾志於臉書發布貼文呼籲,國際社會關注中國的人權狀況,以及香港一國兩制的倒退。   圖 : 截自香港眾志臉書