11月13日巴黎恐攻事件法國世界報記者皮歇尼(Daniel Psenny)用手機錄下一位女性攀住窗沿喊救命的畫面,深植人心。從皮歇尼所住二樓公寓的窗口可以看到巴塔戈蘭音樂廳的緊急出口。那晚當恐怖份子在音樂廳進行屠殺之際,正在看警匪槍戰片的皮歇尼,一開始以為爆炸聲是從電視傳出,但實在太大聲,他就走到窗口瞧個究竟,結果看到有人在奔跑,於是拿起手機開始錄像。






















他從帶著希望到聽任死亡。他閉上眼睛以免看到AK-47步槍對著他。恐怖份子將兩個人質當人肉盾牌擋在門口,不過法國精英警察部隊(the Raid)開槍時設法繞過他們,因此他們並未被射擊到。















It’s the nightmare we all had as kids. That nightmare where you’re being chased by a bad guy or a monster, and you can’t run fast enough. Well, this time it was a reality. We saw death coming toward us. All you could do was try to save yourself and pray that you were not next in line. I heard there was an emergency exit on the left side of the stage. So I tried to go in that direction. But I ended up [upstair] at a dead end and with two windows. I saw how high up the windows were, and I realized that it was too high to jump out. So I hid, recklessly, by hanging from an air vent, with my feet hanging.


That’s when I saw the woman who was hanging from the window. She was asking the people escaping below to catch her. She wanted to jump. [Sir! Sir! Sir! Sir! I’m pregnant.] And of course no one stopped because the shooting was still going on. [Please, I’m slipping. I’m pregnant. Please, I’m begging you. Please, I’m slipping.] At that moment she said she couldn’t hold on any longer. One can’t just watch someone die. What we saw, it was all just too much. So I went back inside and reached my hand out.


People have asked me if I’m traumatized. Yes, because I saw death up close. I saw someone get shot just a few meters away from me. I keep asking myself—why him, and not me? Indeed, the real heroes died that night.


After Sebastien rescued the woman, he and others were taken hostage by gunmen inside the Bataclan concert hall.


They told us that the Syrian bombings are what brought them here. To show us Westerners what the airstrikes are like over there. They told us this was only the beginning. That this was the beginning of war. That they were there representing ISIS. Then they asked us if we agreed with them. I’ll let you imagine the silence that followed that question. Then they gave me a big wad of bills and asked me if I valued money. To which I answered, “OF course not,” and then they asked me to burn the money. We realized that [the gunmen] wanted to save their own lives.


We got lucky when they decided to save their own lives by taking us hostage. They realized that life is valuable. But it was too late. After two hours, the police stormed the concert hall.







