
I wonder: perhaps Taiwanese have been converted to Italian Noodles?
Rice is no longer a good food?
I noticed myself that Science Parks are "growing fast and furiously", everywhere throughout Taiwan.
I can see huge structures lost in an empty land in Tainan, Houli, Changhua, Chiayi (who needs a new factory in Chiayi?!?!?), Dajia.
The newborn Taichung S.P. looks like a ghost town: large empty roads, almost no traffic, few cars, and scooters in rush hours and very very few trucks.
The most active factories are still in old very busy noisy towns (i am familiar with Fengyuan, Shenkang, Dali, Taiping, Wurih), for all those who could not afford the crazy prices for a new facility in a brand new, perfectly organized PARK.
I am sure the matter in Miaoli is money, once again. One should just wait and see, after few months, 2years, maybe... and check the house and the car of the OFFICIALS involved in that dirty job.
It's an unbalanced fight.
Nevertheless, there was a David who overcame a Goliah, in ancient times.
In some cases, even a fight brings only little result. Just pray and have faith. The evil will be punished, sooner or LATER.
It takes time, yes, but the "truth" gets the revenge.
I was in Detroit some 25 years ago. I can hardly remember an ugly town like that.
Except for the central 3-4Km², with high shiny glossy buildings and clean parks, the city around the centre looked so poor, so devastated, so dangerous, so uncivilized... It showed me how the vanity of the few could overwhelm the "strive for survival" of the most. But not for long!!
The funny thing is that some of the now-wasted land will be turned into farming land (AGAIN!!!).
I wish the Miaoli governor had access to such news!!!









這位義大利朋友因為工作須要去過世界很多地方,美國、中國、土耳其、歐洲……,在台灣更是到處跑。政府徵地是應企業須要,但並沒保証繁榮滾滾來。可是竹南大埔徵地過程卻以武力霸道的方式,意義全失,政府與企業的形象盡毀。看到農民憤怒或哀泣地跑向正在對稻作施以死刑的怪手時,真是uncivilized, 都是為了錢,這位老外一眼看破,這些官員有否清白真是須要調查的。
