

朋友們好, 我是方政。我現在在美國舊金山。








Hello, friends, I am Fang Zheng.I am currently in the United StatesSan Francisco.Today is June 4th, 35 years ago today, in Beijing, at Tiananmen Square, thousands of Beijing citizens and students were brutally suppressed by the Chinese Communist Party's army using machine guns and tanks, and they lost their lives.

I lost my legs in that massacre, on West Chang'an Street, being chased and crushed by the Chinese army's tanks from behind, losing both legs.We must not forget that tragic moment.35 years have passed, and the truth still has not been revealed; the victims have still not received fair treatment; those executioners who suppressed the people have not been held accountable.

And the successors of that regime, even today, 35 years later, continue to use brutal means to suppress the country's people, causing disasters for the people within the country.Not only that, they have used various means to deprive Hong Kong of its freedom, and even threatenTaiwan's democracy and freedom with force.

Therefore, friends, we must join hands and not let this mad dictatorship succeed, because we will not forget the massacre 35 years ago.At the same time, we must be vigilant today, because we firmly believe that as long as we join hands, we can definitely stop tyranny.We can definitely end this authoritarian regime, because we always believe that democracy will prevail and dictatorship will fail.

Thank you, everyone.

六四事件中遭坦克輾斷雙腿的民運人士方政透過視訊方式發表談話。   圖:華人民主書院影片截圖