香港眾志成員羅冠聰7月13日在臉書貼出局部英譯劉曉波我沒有敵人—— 我的最後陳述》並以英語宣讀,摘取了《我沒有敵人—— 我的最後陳述》中,劉曉波對劉霞的說話,以及他的寄望,希望世界角落的人,都聽見他堅韌而寬闊的力量。

''Even if I were crushed into powder, I would still use my ashes to embrace you.''

When the Charter 08 manifesto first came out, I was still that ignorant young kid whose eyes are only on public exams.
Today, several democrats and I have read out the Charter 08 manifesto in the Legislative council chamber, and signed it - something that we should have done a long time ago.
劉曉波先生因為發起這份追求自由民主中國的宣言,在09年以「煽動顛覆國家政權罪」判處劉曉波有期而遭監禁十一年,所面對的打壓比香港民主派嚴重千百倍。在法庭上他宣讀了《我沒有敵人—— 我的最後陳述》,娓娓道來他的經歷。
Mr. Liu was imprisoned for eleven years for ‘inciting subversion of state power’ in 2009 - a crime linked to his pursuit of freedom and democracy in China.
What moves me the most is the love between Liu and his wife, Liu Xia that transcends time and space, from light to dark, from freedom to imprisonment.
Being a great man in Chinese history who fought for the well-being of his people but failed his loved one, it hurts to even imagine the agony he felt.Even when he was taking his last breath, he does not cease to embrace the most corrupted suppression with the most loving arms. What supports him was not his deteriorating health, but the profound will power that came from his bottom of his heart.
以下,我以英語宣讀,摘取了《我沒有敵人—— 我的最後陳述》中,劉曉波對劉霞的說話,以及他的寄望,希望世界角落的人,都聽見他堅韌而寬闊的力量。
I quoted Mr. Liu’s words dedicated to his wife in “I Have No Enemies: My Last Statement”, hoping that no matter how far the horizon reaches, we would still hear the echoes of his persistence and bravery.